Be Social #WHAHC21
WHAHC 2021 will offer you a complete virtual experience featuring fascinating lectures, exciting networking opportunities, and direct live contact with our world-renowned speakers.
To enhance your experience and ability to connect with colleagues virtually, we encourage you to share information about the congress and your participation on social media – before and during the Congress.
Using #WHAHC21 in your social media posts will increase your visibility. Everyone following #WHAHC21 will be able to see your posts. You can gain new followers and connect with colleagues worldwide!
The official hashtag for the World Hospital at Home Congress 2021 is #WHAHC21
Make sure to use the hashtag when tweeting to be part of the discussion.
What to share
• Live tweet from sessions, meetings, and the exhibition. Be sure to mention @WHAH_cong and use the hashtag #WHAHC21
• Retweet, like, share or repost live coverage coming from @WHAH_cong account and these mentioning #WHAHC21
• Post your pictures and share them in stories or post them using the hashtags #WHAHC21
How to share
Share your experiences. Personalise your posts.
Use the below banner to post to your channels, or update your cover photo, and help spread the word.
(Click on an image, then right-click to save or copy image)

Sample copy
The following examples of text are ready to be used in your social media channels. Feel free to edit these and write your own posts/tweets.
☑ I am excited to be a part of #WHAHC21. Join hundreds of colleagues from around the world in educational sessions, exchanging scientific news and sharing best HaH practices
☑ Looking forward to the exciting #WHAHC21 program!
☑ Looking forward to sharing my work with colleagues, peers & experts in the field at this year’s exciting virtual #WHAHC21! – Join me at